Special Port Authority Meeting

Tuesday, September 15     4:00 PM          

Public hearing regarding the proposed issuance of tax exempt bonds by the Medina County Port Authority (MCPA)  in the maximum aggregate principal amount of $10,000,000 in two or more series to: (1) redeem and repay outstanding bonds issued in 2010 to finance the acquisition and  construction of its fiber optic cable network, located throughout Medina County, with laterals into Cuyahoga and Summit Counties; (2) pay costs of issuing the bonds; and (3) pay the 2020 interest on the Bonds.  The fiber network is owned by the MCPA and is  operated by the MCPA and the Medina County Economic Development Corporation. To see the full notice of the public hearing, go to https://www.medinacountyportauthority.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/TEFRA-Public-Hearing-Notice-1.pdf

To attend, dial in toll-free by telephone at 1-855-762-7360 or attend via internet videoconference at www.uberconference.com/bdentler